Next activities 2025
- REF contest CW
- REF contest SSB
- Others not planned yet! Stay tuned 😉
- ARRL 10M MS HP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (3,719,040) (claimed)
- CQ WW DX CW SOSB(A) 10 HP by F6FVY (2,146,254) (claimed)
- CQ WW DX CW SOSB(A) 15 LP FY5FY (1,637,090) (claimed)
- WAE RTTY MS HP by F5UII F6FVY (3,820,328) (claimed)
- WAG CW SOAB HP by F6FVY (492,672) (#1 World – New SA record)
- CQ WW DX SSB SOSB(A) 15 HP by F4CWN (2,327,577) (claimed)
- CQ WW DX SSB SOSB 10 QRP FY5FY (834,278) (claimed)
- SAC SSB SOAB LP by F5UII (64,714) (#1 World – New SA record)
- CQ WW DX RTTY SOSB(A) 15 HP by F5UII (1,065,970) (claimed)
- WAE SSB SO LP by F5UII (1,120,743) (claimed)
- WAE CW SO LP by F6FVY (1,449,622) (#3 World)
- WPX CW SOSB15 LP by F6FVY (6,007,992) (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX CW SOUSB15 HP by F6FVY (381,555) (#1 World – New world record)
- REF contest SSB MS HP by F5UII F6FVY (12,880,296) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- REF contest CW MS HP by F6FVY FY5FY (10,048,062) (#1 DOM-TOM – New record)
- ARRL 10M MS HP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (4,420,416) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW SOSB(A) 15 HP by F6FVY (2,313,096) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW SOSB(A) 10 LP TO1A by F5HRY (1,240,758) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW SOSB(A) 20 QRP FY5FY (891,112) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW SSB SOSB(A) 10 HP by F4CWN (2,570,700) (#3 World)
- CQ WW SSB SOSB 15 QRP FY5FY by FY5FY (682,351) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW RTTY SOSB(A) 10 HP by F5UII (1,221,497) (#1 World – New world record)
- WAE RTTY SOHP by F5UII (3,645,824) (#3 World)
- WAE SSB SOHP by F5UII (2,190,936) (#2 World)
- WAE CW SOHP by F6FVY (1,875,718) (#1 World)
- WPX CW SOSB 15 HP TO1A by F6FVY (9,590,304) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX CW SOSB 10 LP FY5FY (4,008,120) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX SSB SO15 HP by F5UII (10,265,807) (#2 World)
- WPX RTTY SOAB HP by F5UII (4,250,594) (#14 World)
- REF contest SSB SOAB HP TO1A by F5UII (11,283,840) (#1 DOM-TOM – New record)
- REF contest CW SOAB HP TO1A by F6FVY (6,854,260) (#1 DOM-TOM – New record)
- ARRL 10M MS HP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (4,616,488) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2022 MS LP by F4CWN F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (13,695,220) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2022 MS LP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII F6FVY FY5FY (13,951,476) (#1 World)
- WAE RTTY SOLP by F5UII (2,138,171) (#1 World)
- WAE CW SOHP by F6FVY (1,577,472) (#6 World)
- IARU HF SOAB HP SSB Unlimited FY5FY 2,597,561 (#1 World)
- WPX SSB MS HP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII FY5FY (23,705,507) (#2 World)
- WPX RTTY SOAB HP by F5UII (2,878,500) (#12 World)
- ARRL DX SSB MS LP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII FY5FY (5,192,145) (#3 World)
- ARRL DX CW SOSB40 LP by F6FVY (284,940) (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX CW SOSB15 LP TO1A by F5HRY (289,260) (#1 World – New world record)
- REF contest SSB MS LP SOAB by F5UII F6FVY (7,662,228) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- REF contest CW SOAB LP by F6FVY (5,023,021) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- ARRL 10m MIXED MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY (617,700) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2021 MS LP by F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (10,398,990) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2021 MS LP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII FY5FY (10,901,754) (#1 World)
- WAE SOAB LP by F6FVY (934,035) (#2 World)
- WPX CW SOSB15M LP TO1A by F6FVY (2,650,095) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB MS LP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (2,449,755) (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY (Claimed 1,683,255) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- ARRL DX CW MS LP by FY5FY F6FVY F5HRY (4,744,224) (#3 World)
- REF contest CW MS LP SOA by F6FVY (Claimed 4,040,016) (CHECKLOG)
- ARRL 10m MIXED MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY (592,516) (#1 World)
- CQWW DX CW 2020 MS LP by F5HRY F6FVY FY5FY (8,908,475) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2020 MS LP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY FY5FY (7,167,600) (#1 World)
- WPX SSB 2020 SO 15M LP By F1HAR (970,546) (#3 World)
- ARRL DX SSB 2020 SO 20M HP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (583,953) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB 2020 SO 15M HP by F1HAR (358,380) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX CW MS LP by F6FVY F5HRY (1,447,992) (#3 World)
- REF contest SSB MS LP SOA by F6FVY (1,479,901) (#4 DOM/TOM)
- REF contest CW MS LP SOA by F6FVY (3,751,600) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- CQ WW DX CW 2019 SO 160 HP by FY5FY (169,624) (#9 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2019 SO(A) 40M HP by F6FVY (1,543,178) (#1 World – New World record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2019 SO(A) 15M LP TO1A by F5HRY (804,824) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2019 M2 HP by F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII FY5FY (24,073,634) (#1 World)
- WPX CW SOSB20M LP Assisted by F6FVY (3,673,638) (#1 World – New World record)
- ARRL DX CW MS LP by F6FVY F5HRY FY5FY (3,231,675) (#3 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2018 SO20(A) HP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (1,632,632) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2018 SO40M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (1,843,278) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2018 SO15M LP Assisted by F5HRY @ TO1A (669,404) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2018 M2 HP by F1HAR F5DKO F5HRY F5MZN F5UII FY5FY (21,603,000) (#2 World)
- WPX CW SOSB40M LP Assisted by F6FVY (3,205,420) (#1 World – New World Record)
- WPX SSB MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (9,996,480) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO20M HP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (653,418) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (441,969) (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (Claimed 1 648 755)
- REF contest CW MS LP by FY5FY F6FVY @ FY5KE (4,749,030) (#1 DOM/TOM)
- ARRL DX CW SO40M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (394,002) (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX CW SO15M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (339,840) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2017 SO20(A) LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (1,354,704) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2017 SO40M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (1,509,144) (#2 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2017 SO15M LP Assisted by F5HRY @ TO1A (304,764) (#2 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2017 MS HP by FY5FY F1HAR F4CWN F5HRY F5UII F6FVY (18,259,920) (#4 World)
- WPX CW SO40M LP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (4,088,032) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX SSB SO15M LP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (3,494,506) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (595,980) (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (9,096,374) (#1 DOM-TOM)
- ARRL DX CW SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (442,680) (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX CW SO15M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (326,655) (#1 World)
- ARRL 10m M/S LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (558,656) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2016 SO15M(A) LP by F5HRY @ TO1A (922,532) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2016 SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (2,428,248) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2016 SO80(A) LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (386,232) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2016 MS LP by FY5FY F1HAR F5HRY F5UII F6FVY (14,547,000) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX SSB 2016 SOAB HP by FY5FY (20,120,620) (#3 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (599,664) (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB MS HP 15m Only by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (Just for fun)
- ARRL DX CW SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (421,083) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX CW SO10M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (273,060) (#3 World)
- ARRL 10m M/S LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (2,151,660) (#1 World)
- CQ WW DX CW 2015 SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (2,099,948) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2015 SO15M QRP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (900,740) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW DX CW 2015 SO10M LP by FY/F5HRY @ FY5KE (418,110) (#2 World)
- CQ WW DX SSB 2015 MS LP by FY5FY F1HAR F5HRY F5UII F6FVY (14,118,480) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX CW SO20M LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (6,000,810) (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX SSB SOAB LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (17,380,143) (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX SSB SO10M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (679,149) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (620,100) (#1 World)
- ARRL DX CW SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (397,980) (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB SOAB LP by F5UII @ FY5KE (#1 DOM/TOM)
- ARRL 10m M/S by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW CW SO40M QRP by FY5FY (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW CW SO15M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW SSB SO10M LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World – New world record)
- IARU HF SO SSB QRP by FY5FY (#1 World – New world record)
- WPX CW SOAB LP by FY5FY (#4 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by FY5FY (#1 World)
- REF contest SSB M/S HP by FY4PR F5UII F5HHW @ FY5KE (#1 DOM/TOM – New record)
- ARRL DX CW SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW CW SO15M LP by FY5FY (#2 World)
- CQ WW CW SO10M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#3 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO10M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO20M QRP by FY5FY (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL DX SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SO10M HP by F5HRY @ TO1A (#1 World)
- REF contest M/S HP by FY8DK and FY4PR @ FY5KE (#1 DOM/TOM)
- ARRL DX CW SO20M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW CW SO20M QRP by FY5FY (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW CW SO15M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO15M LP by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW SSB SO10M LP by FY1FL (#6 World)
- ARRL DX CW SO15M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (478,077) (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW CW SO20M LP by FY5FY (#1 World – New world record)
- CQ WW CW SO15M HP by F6FVY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO20M HP by FY5FY (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO15M HP by F1HAR @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SO10M HP by FY/F5HRY (#2 World)
- CQ WW CW SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#3 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#2 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#2 World)
- ARRL DX SSB SOAB HP effort by F5MZN @ FY5KE (#2 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB M/S effort (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#1 World)
- WPX SSB SOAB HP effort by F5MZN @ FY5KE (#4 World)
- ARRL DX SSB M/S effort (#2 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#3 World)
- WPX SSB SOAB HP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#2 World)
- WPX CW SOAB HP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#6 World)
- ARRL DX SSB M/2 effort (#2 World)
- ARRL DX CW SOAB QRP effort by F5MZN (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL 10m SSB SO HP effort by FY5FY (#1 World)
- CQ WW CW SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#2 World)
- IARU SSB SOAB HP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World, New SA record)
- WPX SSB SOAB HP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#3 World)
- WPX CW SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB M/S effort (#1 World)
- ARRL DX CW SOAB QRP effort by F5MZN (#1 World – New world record)
- ARRL 10m Mixed SO LP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World – New SA record)
- CQ WW CW SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- CQ WW SSB SOAB LP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#2 World)
- WPX CW SOAB LP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#2 World)
- WPX SSB SOAB LP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#1 World)
- ARRL DX SSB M/S effort (#2 World)
- CQ WW CW SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE (#2 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#5 World)
- CQ WW CW SOAB HP effort by F6BEE (#7 World)
- CQ WW SSB M/S effort (#8 World)
- CQ WW WPX CW SOAB HP effort by F6BEE (#3 World)
REF contest SSB 2017 MS LP by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (Claimed 9 170 184)
Contest : REF Contest
Callsign : FY5KE
Mode : PHONE
Category : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay : Radio club
Band(s) : All bands (AB)
Class : Low Power (LP)
Zone/State/... : FY
Locator : GJ35PE
Operating time : 35h56
80 119 0 20 54 1038 8.72
40 494 8 46 84 3906 7.91
20 627 17 43 90 5545 8.84
15 830 17 58 88 5429 6.54
10 106 0 16 44 970 9.15
TOTAL 2176 42 183 360 16888 7.76
TOTAL SCORE : 9 170 184
REF contest SSB 2016 MS HP 15m Only by F1HAR F5HRY F6FVY @ FY5KE (Just for fun)
Contest : REF Contest
Callsign : FY5KE
Mode : PHONE
Category : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS) - CHECKLOG
Overlay : ---
Band(s) : Single band (SB) 15 m
Class : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/... : FY
Locator : GJ35PE
Operating time : 11h49
80 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
40 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
20 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
15 1157 25 65 93 7487 6.47
10 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
TOTAL 1157 25 65 93 7487 6.47
TOTAL SCORE : 1 182 946
CQ WW SSB 2010 SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE – Final Result : #5 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): FY5FY
Station: FY5KE
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: French Guiana
Operating Time (hrs): 44
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 21 8 15
80: 425 14 53
40: 891 27 85
20: 1553 36 107
15: 3051 30 110
10: 549 19 61
Total: 6490 134 431 Total Score = 10,745,735
CQ WW CW 2009 SOAB QRP effort by FY5FY @ FY5KE – Final Result : #1 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): FY5FY
Station: FY5KE
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 41
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 16 9 13
80: 133 12 46
40: 782 19 67
20: 909 26 67
15: 1160 22 75
10: 30 12 22
Total: 3030 100 290 Total Score = 3,473,730
CQ WW SSB 2009 M/S effort – Final Result : #3 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F1HAR, F5HRY, F6FGZ, F6FVY, F8CMF, FY5FY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 170 17 62
80: 532 27 96
40: 1172 34 122
20: 1698 39 157
15: 3399 34 143
10: 1090 25 106
Total: 8061 176 686 Total Score = 20,288,032
Conditions were a lot better than last year, especially on 10m, where we had a very good EU opening on sunday, and a rather good one to NA. Excellent 15m, even though the NA runs were not as impressive (rate/strength) as usual. Big mess on 20m, lowering the high run possibilities. Thus, we are missing QSO … Nothing much to say on the lower bands, besides the fact that we still need to improve the 40m and the 80m. We are glad with the multipliers counter, our best so far ! This year, to try to avoid some RFI problems between stations, we removed our 160m shunt fed tower for a V160E from Titanex 100m away from the station, and renew our beverages splitting system. Both made some improvements, but some problems remain. We will need to fix them in the near future. For 2010, we are planning to upgrade the station. We have a limited space,but more can be done. Congratulations to P33W and CN3A teams. Good job guys ! On behalf of the FY5KE Contest Team, Herve F5HRY
French version here
Listen to your QSO with FY5KE here
CQ WW SSB 2008 M/S effort – Final Result : #2 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F1HAR, F6FGZ, F6FVY, FY5FY, F5HRY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 293 15 67
80: 594 28 99
40: 861 32 117
20: 2167 38 146
15: 2948 35 138
10: 125 21 59
Total: 6988 169 626 Total Score = 16,183,020
We thought that z9 was the place to be at the very low bottom of the solar cycle. We can now say that it is not !
As probably all the other teams in this area, we had to suffer from very bad conditions on the upper bands (which would start at 14 MHz …), each QSO being a struggle. For the first time, we did not run (or less than half an hour, and if “run” is the appropriate terminology) on 10m. The top band was a good one this year, let’s remain positive !
No doubt that our major M/S competitors in NW africa will be far ahead.
First time we used our brand new K3’s. Quite glad with them, eventhough switching from good old “analog” tranceivers to state of art digital machines may be disturbing, especially regarding the RX audio.
CU next year, hopefully with an upgraded antenna setup (yes we can …).
On behalf of the FY5KE team, Vy 73 Herve F5HRY
CQ WW SSB 2007 M/S effort – Final Result : #2 World
Call: FY5KE
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
160 191 14 60 2 546 2.86
80 542 24 93 13 1579 2.91
40 962 32 119 24 2829 2.94
20 1849 36 147 37 5382 2.91
15 3161 33 138 89 9350 2.96
10 1567 23 100 46 4620 2.95
TOTAL 8272 162 657 211 24306 2.94
TOTAL SCORE : 19 906 614
Comments :
Powered by Win-Test 3.17.0
It still was a very hard job to set up the station and beverages (high temp and high humidity).
We have set up a 4-square on 40m this year in addition to the existing 20-m high 2el yagi, hoping that it could help us improving our score on that band. This new antenna was made using 4 Dx-Wire fiberglass masts and a home made Collins hybrid phasing system (F1HAR, F5HRY). The dummy load was built with a 50-ohm non-inductive resistor designed to support 1kW when immersed into an oil bath. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any non-conductive oil in Kourou and we tried to substitute it with some Demineralised Water. SWR was not perfect on 40 but it was just enough to do the job ! This new antenna enabled us to increase worked Q and DXCC, compared to 2006.
As usual, we installed 6 beverage receiving antennas which worked as great, as expected. The lowest point is actually to being able to localize the ground rods because of the dense vegetation which covers them now. In addition, the tropical rains caused a driving in the ground of the rods. Despite of the help of a GPS, it is necessary to clean out the area where the rod is supposed to be with a machete, and to carefully look around for something which could be the ground rod !
In spite of lots of efforts in filtering (RX and TX filters, stubs), we suffered some inter-band interferences which handicapped the runners in their labor.
It was necessary to be attentive to the band openings, especially for the very capricious 10. The main band was 15, on which we achieved third of the total Q and the best rates (6 hrs over 250 Q/hr).
We finally achieved more Q, but less mults, than 2006. The overall claimed score is a bit lower than last year, and is under the amazing score of CN3A ! Congrats, guys !
Thanks everybody for calls and points, and CU next year !
French version here
ARRL DX SSB 2007 SOAB effort – Final Result : #2 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator: F5MZN
Station: FY5KE
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs Mults
160: 247 53
80: 848 58
40: 864 57
20: 1796 60
15: 2070 59
10: 271 30
Total: 6096 317 Total Score = 5,789,688
Club: Bavarian Contest Club
Comments : Unfortunately, it was not possible for the usual team member to be gathered all together to take part to the ARRL SSB in multiop this year. This is the reason I decided to try a SOAB effort.
A fantastic week end, in spite of the propagation which was not as good as last year. Only 6 QSO on 10m on Saturday with Florida. Sunday was really better, with a first short opening which was sometimes giving the impression to operate meteor scatter on VHF followed by a good second one.
For some reasons, it was not possible to build the station before Friday in the morning with the result that I started the contest with a lack of rest. Add that it is 35°C with 95% of humidity in the shack (no air conditioning), the last part of the nights were quite hard and I didn’t resist to stop and sleep a bit. Also some operating breaks to fix various problems like a damaged mosquito screen to be replaced or a power supply delivering a low voltage which resulted in a TS850 failure… SOAB non assisted, really !
Thanks everybody for the QSOs and see you in the CQWW !
CQ WW SSB 2006 M/S effort – Final Result : #1 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F1HAR, F5HRY, F5MZN, F6FGZ, F6FVY, FY5FY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 155 14 62
80: 595 25 88
40: 600 32 116
20: 2445 38 150
15: 3102 34 145
10: 1410 29 116
Total: 8307 172 677 Total Score = 20,666,207
Besides few technical problems, basically caused by heat and humidity under these latitudes, we had a great time this year in French Guiana. Highlights were the 160m and the 10m (unexpected to be that good with a low SFI), and the overall worked multipliers. Lowlight was the 40m, the band we still need to improve seriously. As usual, the 6 beverages set worked as great as possible, even up to 10m from time to time, when signals were strong enough. This RX diversity at FY5KE makes possible what wouldn’t be without : low bands RX (noisy at 5° latitude),high rates using a dual running position (with the Win-Test partner tool), multi direction RX (while we only have one TX antenna per band). This overall claimed score is a bit more than 2005 previous one. We had a real fun fighting against the red part of the graph of the Win-Test objectives window (see :Windows). And, definitely, the struggle paid ! CU next year.
ARRL DX SSB 2006 M/S effort – Final Result : #1 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F1HAR, F5MZN, F5HRY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Mults
160: 310 57
80: 721 59
40: 1015 59
20: 1695 60
15: 2838 60
10: 342 38
Total: 6921 333 Total Score = 6,912,081
Comments :
Very hard conditions on 10m, needing to look for any possible (even weak) opening. Struggle paid, at least for a few mults. 20m closed much earlier than the previous years, meaning more low bands actvity, which our log clearly shows. 80m worked well, confirming the 2 phased verticals as a good choice. Great 160m, 57 multipliers on SSB would have been a dream few years ago ! Amazing signal from K3LR on that band.
CU during the CQWW SSB.
CQ WW SSB 2005 M/S effort – Final Result : #1 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F1HAR, F5MZN, F5LND, F5HRY, F6FGZ, I4UFH
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 165 12 51
80: 615 25 93
40: 951 29 108
20: 2113 39 152
15: 3410 38 151
10: 1066 25 106
Total: 8320 168 661 Total Score = 20,282,314
Comments :
Another M/S effort from French Guyana, with Fabio I4UFH joining us for the first time. Rather happy with the result, as 10m conditions were really unstable. Hard job on the multipliers, which are always an impressive struggle from FY, especially to europe on the lower bands.
The 80m sloper was replaced by a pair of phased 1/4 wave full size verticals, using 10m of aluminium tubes toped by DK9SQ 10m fiber poles. For sure, a good choice ! We are still working with our 6 amplified beverages, a real help for us, up to 15m this year (10m signals were usually to weak).
No real high rates due to over crowded 20m and 15m bands, but a +/- similar result in terms of QSO than in 2004.
WPX SSB 2005 SOAB effort – Final Result : #4 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F5MZN
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 108
40: 602
20: 1007
15: 3008
10: 194
Total: 4919 Prefixes = 1074 Total Score = 17,807,994
Comments :
First participation in the WPX as SOAB. Good conditions Saturday, worse Sunday especially with the NA on 15 and 10. Congratulations to D4B for his new record claim and his amazing score !
ARRL DX SSB 2005 M/S effort – Final result : #2 World
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Mults
160: 200 51
80: 442 58
40: 790 59
20: 2249 61
15: 2647 59
10: 1031 54
Total: 7359 342 Total Score = 7,550,334
Comments :
Another M/S effort from FY5KE, after having played M/2 last year. We thought that the predicted (and lived) bad conditions on the higher bands would favor us. They did, but not enough to balance the low bands … FY is still very far away from the US ! Worked no NU and LAB this year. Only one NWT and YT on 20m. Congratulations to the VP5B team. Good struggle ! Thanks to all, CU next year.
CQ WW SSB 2004 M/S effort – Final result : #3 World
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 119 14 52
80: 395 18 70
40: 594 23 91
20: 1804 37 143
15: 1883 38 148
10: 3600 35 146
Total: 8395 165 650 Total Score = 20,060,410
The operators for the 2004 event of the CQWW SSB were F1HAR, F5HRY, F5MZN, F6EPY, F6FGZ and F6FVY. A moral and logistical support was provided by Jacques FY1FL, whom has to be grandly thanked.
The station was mostly the same as last year, we just fixed the problem we had noticed between the 20m and 40m beams. Six beverages (US short, US long, EU short, EU long, JA and AF) including home brewed preamps were installed.
Conditions on the high bands were much better than expected, which is rather not appreciated in FY, due to good WEU paths … We found the 40m (and the low bands) to be not as good as 2003, but we made some band changing mistakes during the first night. However, we were glad to work our first JA on 80m (JF1IST), which is kind of a big challenge from FY ! We noticed 2 short blackouts, one being 1147z on saturday.
We suffered some technical problems with a PA (nice smell of burned plastic from the RF switching relay …) and one of the TS850, but nothing dramatic. For the first time, we had a telephone line for the DX Cluster, which appeared to be RF proofed with dozens of ferrite beads !
The very last version of our contest logging software Win-Test, including the propagation forecast linked to the excellent HamCAP by Alex VE3NEA was a real help to take pertinent skeds.
The final score is lower than last year, but the 20 Mpts is still beaten.
Congratulations to the CQ9K team which seems to be ahead.
ARRL DX SSB 2004 M/2 effort – Final result : #2 World
Operator(s): FY5FY, F5MZN, F6FVY, F5HRY, F1HAR
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Mults
160: 422 57
80: 1037 59
40: 1227 59
20: 2744 63
15: 2480 63
10: 1675 60
Total: 10585 361 Total Score = 11,460,306
First attempt in the M/2 category after winning the M/S one in 2003. Definitly a lot of fun, despite some “newcomers” errors …
We learned a lot, but still have some hard job to do to improve the design of the M/2 station, as well as the operating techniques. Our goal was to be as close a possible to the terrific Signal Point PJ2T station. We missed it by a large number of QSO, but we still see their poop. Hope still remains at FY5KE !
Highlight of the contest was to be called by a VY0 station in NU, which almost made the operator fall from his chair … 6 bands WAS (except KH6 and KL7 of course) was cleared in the week end, which is a first ever for us. We didn’t run enough 10m, where we found some EME signals. 160m was excellent from time to time.
73 Herve F5HRY
ARRL DX CW 2004 SOAB QRP effort – Final result : #1 World and new World Record
Callsign : FY5KE (F5MZN, op)
Mode : CW
Category : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay : ---
Band(s) : All bands (AB)
Class : QRP
Zone/State : DX
Locator :
160 70 1 25 210 3.00
80 296 9 50 888 3.00
40 557 8 56 1671 3.00
20 697 12 58 2088 3.00
15 1044 28 58 3132 3.00
10 325 6 46 975 3.00
TOTAL 2989 64 293 8964 3.00
TOTAL SCORE : 2 626 452
Operators : F5MZN
Potential new world record (previous 1.9 M points) despite unstable conditions on the higher bands. I am still surprized with the 70 QSO/25 states worked on 160m with 5 W ! A frog visited the shack on the first night, as well as numerous insects attracted by light. It’s hard to manage a pileup while some unidentified flying cock-roach (or whatever !) travel across the shack, not really knowing how and where they will land … when the operator is in the path !
ARRL 10 meter SSB 2003 SO HP effort – Final result : #1 World
Operator(s): FY5FY
Station: FY5KE
Class: SO SSB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Band QSOs Mults
CW: 0
SSB: 3537 158
Total: 3537 158 Total Score = 1,117,692
5EL YAGI AND 3EL QUAD. Only 30 hours this year, conditions were not so good…
CQ WW SSB 2003 M/S effort – Final result : #2 World
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): FY5FY, F5LND, F5MZN, F6FGZ, F6FVY, F5HRY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 102 13 50
80: 328 21 81
40: 916 29 119
20: 1209 35 140
15: 2297 34 145
10: 4334 33 145
Total: 9186 165 680 Total Score = 22,705,150
We worked hard in the past few monthes to improve again the FY5KE station,and this work paid ! We beated our personnal best by more than 3 Mpts, and broke the symbolic 20 Mpts barrier … We enjoyed the low bands with our new 6 beverages system, each of them being possibly listened by all the stations. The big blackout of sunday afternoon made us stay a bit too long on 10m, the only band opened at that time. The unexpected high SFI was a sad joke for us, as it favored again the EW path. We missed a lot of multipliers, some of them being worked easily by « local » stations such as PJ2T. We still need to improve our rates on the higher bands to be competitive (max 324/h), which is hard for poor latin froggies ! Congrats to VP2E for their outstanding M/S result and world record.
CU during the next one.
For the FY5KE Contest Team,
Herve F5HRY
Rig :
- 5 x TS850
- 2 x AL1500
- 1 x HL2K
- 1 x LK500
- 5el/10m
- 3el quad/15m
- 4el/20m
- 2el/40m
- Sloper/80m
- Shunt fed tower/160m
- 6 beverages (2 US, 2 EU, 1 JA, 1 AF)
- 5 PCs
- F5MZN Win-Test V2.beta logging software
ARRL DX SSB 2003 M/S effort – Final result : #1 World
Operator(s): F1HAR, F5MZN, F6FVY, FY5FY, F5HRY
Station: FY5KE
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Mults
160: 307 50
80: 582 57
40: 749 60
20: 1620 61
15: 2163 60
10: 3144 60
Total: 8565 348 Total Score = 8,941,860
Second place in 2002 made us work hard on what is the real challenge from FY : the low bands ! It seems that it was a worthwhile job, as both the number of QSOs and mults on these bands have increased.
Again a lot of fun, but the language still remains a problem for us, vs the american ops who are playing the same game from the carrabian islands. Congrats to K9PG and W2SC for their outstanding SOAB scores.
Glad to be on the first floor of the claimed scores so far. We just hope we didn’t make too much mistakes catching the callsigns and the states …
Special thanks to the very few guys in DC, LAB or YT who called us. As usual, the wide “white desert” from NU and NWT (nobody up there ?).
For the FY5KE team, Herve F5HRY
Rig :
- 2x(TS850+AL1500)
Antennas :
- 160 : shunt fed 22m tower, 30 radials
- 80 : sloper
- 40 : full size horizontal dipole @23m
- 20 : 3el @24m
- 15 : 3el quad @16m
- 10 : 5el @13m
- Bevs : 80, 160, 320m
ARRL DX CW 2003 SOAB QRP effort – Final result : #1 World and new World Record
Call: FY5KE
Operator(s): F5MZN
Station: FY5KE
Operating Time (hrs):
Band QSOs Mults
160: 1 1
80: 108 32
40: 208 47
20: 548 54
15: 847 54
10: 970 58
Total: 2682 246 Total Score = 1,978,578
ARRL 10 meter Mixed 2002 SO LP effort – Final result : #1 World and new SA record
Call : FY5FY (@ FY5KE)
QSO : 3019
Mults : 264
Score : 2,288,540
ARRL DX SSB 2002 M/S effort – Final result : #2 World
Call: FY5KE
Category: Multi Single
Power: High Power
Band: All Band
Mode: SSB
Country: French Guiana
160 83 249 33
80 425 1275 56
40 494 1482 59
20 1291 3873 60
15 2431 7293 60
10 2941 8823 60
Totals 7665 22995 328 = 7,542,360
Ops or inband listeners : F1HAR, F5MZN, F6FVY, FY5FU, FY5FY, F5HRY
Rig :
- TS850 + AL1500
- TS 870 inband
- TS 430 + AL811
- 160 m : sloping 4 sq
- 80 m : thursday night sloper (F5MZN/F6FVY congrats)
- 40 m : 2 el/wire @ 22m
- 20 m : 2 el @ 24m
- 15 m : 3 el quad @ 16m
- 10 m : 3 el quad @ 16m
- Bev 320m
- Bev 160 m
Comments :
Our firsts thoughts went to a M/2 operation. But the aircraft would have definitly not taken all the stuff we dreamed about … Thus, a standard M/S was the hard reality ! However, we tried to optimize the running techniques, with at least 2 ops at the same time during the whole contest, and it provided good results. We surely enhanced the rates. As well, this technique helps for real time log checking.
Conditions were excellent on saturday, but poor on sunday. On that second one, the higher bands began to open very late, with deeply unstable signals, providing low rates. We worked hard on the low bands during the nights to purchase as many mults as possible (remember FY is quite far away from NA, and 80+160 are noisy !). We are pleased with the number of multipliers worked, eventhough 61 seemed possible on the high bands (no LAB wkd, NWT and NU kept for dreams). Thanks to VY1MB for YT.
Last, but not least seen from FY, the high SFI favored the E-W axis (as it did during the CQWW SSB), and our signal was probably too marginal for the side lobes of the NA beams … We’ll have to wait for 3 or 4 years to be more competitive (but never as the northen Caraibian will, definitly !).
We are still waiting for some unclaimed high raw scores in the M/S category. We are thinking about VP5B and EA8BH, maybe others. No idea ? ?
Next year, we will learn “american”. It seems to be a good choice : try to pronounce KG1JGW with no analogy when you were not born in the deep middle west …
CQ WW SSB 2001 M/S effort – Final result : #5 World
Category: Multi Single
Power: High Power
Band: All Band
Mode: SSB
Country: French Guiana
Zone: 14
160 52 146 2.81 11 24
80 148 418 2.82 11 44
40 333 971 2.92 24 90
20 1466 4306 2.94 37 143
15 2295 6767 2.95 35 157
10 4477 13045 2.91 37 143
Totals 8771 25653 2.92 155 601 => 19,393,668
Rig :
- 160 m : 4sq (sloperized …)
- 80 m : Loop + wires
- 40 m : 2 el wire fix north / 4sq
- 20 : 2 el @ 22m
- 15 m : Quad 3el @ 15m
- 10 m : Quad 3 el @ 15m
- Mult : FB33 shortened FB32 (14 MHz removed)
- Bev Eu : 320 m
- Bev W6 : 180 m (W2 beams to the dense equatorial forest with strange hungry animals …)
TRX : 2xTS850, 1xTS870, 1xTS450
PAs : AL1500 @1.2kW, TL922 @500 W, AL811 @300W
Comments : Fun again with a great propagation (probably too much to run a very good score vs others from FY). Not enough QSO/mults on 40/80m.Congratulations to D44TC for their amazing score.
CQ WW CW 2000 SOAB HP effort – Final result : #7 World
Operator(s): F6BEE
Station: FY5KE
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: French Guiana
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 88 12 33
80: 296 14 50
40: 725 26 77
20: 511 31 92
15: 1190 33 108
10: 2153 33 117
Total: 4963 149 477 = 9,147,112
Station : FT-1000MP / Alpha 87A (TNX NH7A) el tribander at 22 m, 2 el wire beam to north on 40 m (@20 m) strange delta loop on 80, inverted vee on 160 m 190 m beverage to north
No activity in any CQ WW CW from FY for too many years made the country / mult so rare that pile ups were huge at times to really slow things down. Maybe be too much for a first time operation from the DX side of the pile up. The 80 m antenna didn’t work well and some stations (mostly Eu or Asia) have been called on this band without being able to log this rare mult !
CQWW SSB 2000 M/S effort – Final result : #8 World
Call: FY5KE
Category: Multi Single
Power: High Power
Band: All Band
Mode: SSB
Country: French Guiana
Zone: 9
160 34 89 2.62 7 12
80 207 600 2.90 14 30
40 372 1087 2.92 19 64
20 910 2653 2.92 29 93
15 1604 4734 2.95 31 103
10 3624 10510 2.90 35 128
Totals 6751 19673 2.91 135 430 => 11,115,245
Ops or support : FY5FY, FY5FU, F1HAR, F5HRY
Run : TS870 / TL922
Mult : TS850 / AL80
Antennas :
- FB33 @ 20m
- Loop for 40/80m
- Dipole for 160m
- 3 bands vertical for 14/21/28 (mult)
- No bev (sri …)
Comment : Not enough ops., not enough antennas, not enough mults, no cluster, some problems, up to 37°C in the shack … but what a fun ! And that’s enough to make us feel good…
CQ WW WPX CW SOAB HP 2000 effort – Final result : #3 World
Call: FY5KE
Category: Single Operator (F6BEE)
Power: High Power
Band: All Band
Mode: CW
Country: French Guiana
160 0 0 0.0 0
80 48 284 5.9 4
40 381 2202 5.8 149
20 565 1683 3.0 211
15 1073 3203 3.0 216
10 1527 4535 3.0 244
Totals 3594 11907 3.3 824 = 9,811,368
Band | QSO | QSO Pts | Pts/Q | Prefixes |
Score | 9,811,368 | |||
160 m | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 |
80 m | 48 | 284 | 5.9 | 4 |
40 m | 381 | 2202 | 5.8 | 149 |
20 m | 565 | 1683 | 3.0 | 211 |
15 m | 1073 | 3203 | 3.0 | 216 |
10 m | 1527 | 4535 | 3.0 | 244 |
Totals | 3594 | 11907 | 3.3 | 824 |
All reports sent were 599, unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description : TS870 + Alpha 91b 3 El Fritzel tribander @ 22 m Single Delta loop for 80 + 40 m
This was my very first serious operation in a major contest from an exotic and point/propagation blessed place. I must say a big thank you to Pierre FY5FU and Didier FY5FY for opening the Kourou Space Center club station for me, fixing the tribander before and (worse) during the contest. Both of them as well as Marie-Therese (Pierre’s wife) and Brigitte (my wife) took care of me with full support of the operation.
I tried to do the best use of the club’s callsign to honor these great hosts.
I think this log can also qualify for the TS category, even if I was forced to operate SS (with the loop and a matching box on 10 m) for a long hour on saturday afternoon.
Continent Statistics
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL percent
North America CW 0 3 163 278 372 480 1296 36.0
South America CW 0 1 21 6 8 23 59 1.6
Europe CW 0 44 194 234 415 985 1872 52.0
Asia CW 0 0 0 45 278 33 356 9.9
Africa CW 0 0 2 1 1 5 9 0.3
Oceania CW 0 0 1 1 0 3 5 0.1